For a full list of services & current rates, click here.
Physical Therapy Evaluations & Treatments
For MA residents only
I offer in home pediatric physical therapy evaluations and treatment to patients in the Merrimack Valley, as an out of network provider.
I offer a comprehensive and individualized approach to help your child and your family meet your goals and needs.
Evaluation, treatment, follow-ups, equipment and orthotic information/resources.​
I also offer Teletherapy to patients in MA and those out of the Merrimack Valley.
Click here for current rates.

Wellness & Developmental Sessions
A virtual educational coaching session on how to play with your child to maximize their gross motor development and meet their motor milestones.​
Common topics:
Tummy time troubles, gross motor milestones tips & help
Ways to help facilitate rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, running, jumping​
Head shape consults
Includes a 30-minute virtual session, and a follow-up email with activities, education and resources to further foster your child's gross motor development!​
Ages: newborn to 2 years old. You get to ask me anything!
*If I feel your child requires a comprehensive Physical Therapy evaluation, I can discuss options and local resources to you if you are not in the state of Massachusetts!